What is organisational change management?

Change is a dynamic and alarming thing.

It is a constant in many organisations, driven by a number of different forces including customers, markets and technology.

Unfortunately, research shows that most change projects fail to achieve their expected outcomes and may even hinder an organisation’s potential and its people.

Organisational change management (also known as OCM) is a framework conceived to steer the consequences of these processes.

Successful OCM strategies include:

  • Agreement on a common strategy for change.
  • Strong executive leadership to communicate the vision and sell the business case for change.
  • A plan for educating employees on how their daily work will change.
  • A blueprint on how to measure whether or not the transition is a success – and follow-up plans for both successful and unsuccessful scenarios.
  • Rewards that encourage employees and stakeholders to take ownership for their new roles and responsibilities.

The effects of not managing change effectively can be devastating and long-lasting, so it’s important for people managers to understand the issues and equip themselves with techniques to professionally guide the transition.

OMC addresses how to manage change positively, so that employees give their support and the positive set goals are worked towards with enthusiasm.

Why is organisational change management important?

There are many ways a company can change their strategy and management; also, there are technological changes that the organisation undergoes. In recent years, companies have become aware of the importance of the role played by change management, particularly during the implementation of new technologies. By offering professional support to employees to better understand all aspects of the transition and how to navigate within it, it is possible to contribute to establishing an open and engaged work environment.

Change management is a proper method of communicating with peers and colleagues. It is a framework that explains in an understandable language the reason and need for transformation and what benefits it brings. As employees cooperate and show openness to change, the transition will meet less hurdles and the organization will gain in time and resources.

The moment this communication channel opens, you set a cultural standard that will foster a trust-based rapport employees will develop towards their company and its management.
It is a matter of understanding that people are afraid of the unknown. Having a strategy in place helps to decrease the anxiety related to this fear; introducing these cultural and communication standards helps to keep the work environment adaptable and innovative.

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